Życzenia bożonarodzeniowe:
W święta Bożego Narodzenia pamiętamy o swoich bliskich i znajomych rozsianych po całym świecie, więc często wysyłamy im życzenia bożonarodzeniowe w języku angielskim. Kiedyś były to listy czy pocztówki, obecnie częściej jest to po prostu email czy wiadomość tekstowa. Poniżej kilka przykładowych życzeń po angielsku, jakie możemy wykorzystać.
Najpopularniejszym zwrotem znanym na całym świecie jest Merry Christmas, który to tłumaczymy na Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia.
W Wielkiej Brytanii da się niemniej często usłyszeć Happy Christmas!, a według niektórych źródeł, zwrot ten jest znacznie popularniejszy w UK niż Merry Christmas.
Przykładowo, w 2017 roku, królowa Elizabeth II złożyła oficjalne życzenia w telewizji mówiąc:
Whatever your own experiences this year; wherever and however you are watching, I wish you a peaceful and very happy Christmas.
W Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens) Scrooge życzy Bobowi
A merry Christmas, Bob!” said Scrooge
Na co Bob odpowiada:
A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow...
Jak więc widać, w UK można użyć zarówno Merry Christmas, jak i Happy Christmas.
Na wielu stronach znajdziemy wiele przykładów życzeń po angielsku, proszę pamiętać jednak, że są to raczej zwroty podane jako ciekawostki. Nie ma wielu typowo utartych życzeń, raczej chodzi tu o kreatywność rozmówcy. Identyczna sytuacja jest z życzeniami urodzinowymi. Mówimy Happy Birthday, a cała reszta to już zależy od inwencji twórczej rozmówcy.
Poniżej kilka zwrotów, które możecie użyć:
Beautiful dream comes true
Best Wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Bring you Good wishes of happiness. This Christmas and on the coming year.
Christmas brings family and friends together; it helps us appreciate the love in our lives we can often take for granted.
Christmas is the time of giving and sharing. I wish you nothing but the best this Christmas and for the coming New Year.
During this Christmas season, may you enjoy the message of hope, love, and peace on Earth. May all of these holiday blessings be yours to keep. Here’s to wishing you a Merry Christmas.
During this season may the loy and love of Christmas be yours.
During this season of giving, let us take time to slow down and enjoy the simple things. May this wonderful time of the year touch your heart in a special way. Wishing you much happiness today and throughout the New Year.
Each Christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories... and you get lots of presents, Oh well, Merry Christmas.
Greeting you warmly with a wish that's sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful days.
Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas
Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!
Here are special greetings And the best of wishes, too - May Christmas and the coming year Bring happiness to you!
Holidays are magical. Ho Ho Ho! Merry Xmas!
Hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this Christmas ... and all the happiness you could wish for.
Hope your Christmas is as warm and sweet as a cup of hot cocoa and filled with more granted wishes than you can count.
Hope your holiday is great and your New Year a prosperous one.
I could always tell that you wrapped Santa's presents
I hope you will join with me in bringing in the new spring. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
In our hearts, we'll always be near Merry Christmas!
Joy to the World. Wishing you an extremely merry Christmas
Joyous Christmas! Warm Holiday Wishes!
May Happiness follow wherever you go
May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season.
May Peace and Happiness be with you at this holy Christmas season and always.
May Santa Claus bring everything you wished for. Merry Christmas!
May the blessings of Christmas fill you heart with hope and joy!
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you today and always.
May the light of our Savior's love be with you at Christmas and always... and all the happiness you could wish for.
May the light of the holiday season shine brightly in your heart
May the magic of this Christmas season fill your heart with peace.
May the peace and love of the Christmas season wrap you boundless joy during the season and in the New Year.
May the true meaning of the holiday season fill your heart and home with many blessings.
May this Christmas sparkle and shine, may all of your dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Sending my love to you.
May you be blessed with all things bright and beautiful at Christmastime and Always
May your Christmas be merry as a song And your heart be happy the whole year long!
May your days be filled with love and light. wanted.
Merry Christmas ... and all the happiness you could wish for.
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and then happy days over and over again!
Peace on earth, good will to men...
Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the Coming year
Sending you wishes for holidays that begin and on a happy note. Wishing you happiness always.
Should you see flowers in bloom, you would see smiles at a lover of beauty.
Sing a song of seasons; Something bright in all ...
Sleight bells are jingling through the night. Children are singing spirits and bright ... Merry Christmas!
Thanks for making every thing right! Merry Christmas!
The Christmas we were going to tell everyone that the real meaning of the Season was not gifts ...
The gift of love. The gift of peace. ...
The magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest of gifts are family and friends...
The presents are wrapped, the stockings all hung, all that's left now is the holiday fun! Merry Christmas!
There is nothing more enchanting than lights on decorated trees, gifts, friends and family to brighten up your life. Wish you a Merry Christmas!
This holiday season, it seems everyone is watching their weight ... :)
To be frazzled! Best wishes for a calm and peaceful and Holiday Season!
To wish you all the joy of Christmas and happiness all through the New Year.
To wish you happiness at Christmas time.
To wish you happiness for the Christmas season and the coming year.
We wish you a merry Christmas & a happy new year.
Wishing you a bright white holiday full of love...
Wishing You a Happy Christmas and to hope the New Year too. Will be a very prosperous Healthy and Happy Time for you ...
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas seasons
Wishing you all the joys of the Christmas season and have very happy New Year may you enjoy good health in the coming year
Wishing you and those around you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year
Wishing you the Gifts of Peace and Happiness this Christmas and throughout the New Year
You’d better watch where you step. You may end up right underneath my mistletoe. Merry Christmas my dear.
Najpopularniejsza fraza używana do składania życzeń to po prostu: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Jeśli ktoś jednak chce być bardziej twórczy, powyżej daję kilka przykładów bardziej rozbudowanych życzeń. Proszę jednak pamiętać, iż Anglicy czy Amerykanie bardzo żadko używają tak wyrafinowanych form.
Pamiętajmy też, że nie wszyscy obchodzą święta, jest wiele innych religii, więc składając życzenia miejmy pewność, że będą one dobrze przyjęte.
Polecam stronkę:
Polecam stronkę: https://speakin.pl/bozonarodzeniowe-zyczenia-swiateczne-po-angielsku/