Zakupowe szaleństwo nas też nie ominęło! Może nie do końca jest to prawda, bo my nic nie kupiliśmy, ale przygotowaliśmy krótki artykuł po angielsku na temat Black Friday dla osób początkujących. Słówka i wymowa na końcu oraz po najechaniu na podkreślone słowo.
Black Friday is celebrated on the fourth Friday of November.
It is an informal name for the day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States. It is a public holiday in more than 20 states, and is considered the start of the US Christmas shopping season. For the last 20 years many companies have offered huge discounts on that day. The idea of shopping during the Black Friday has spread around the world and now in almost every country people go shopping on that day, hoping they can buy goods cheaper and save money.
Last year, people in the USA spent about $55 billion between Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving, when people often buy more online).
Many people think that during that day we buy lots of things that we do not need or that we cannot afford. They say that the best thing to do is to buy nothing at all. They say it is the only way to truly save money. If you decide to avoid shopping that day, you will see how difficult it is. There are adverts everywhere, people talk about discounts all the time, the shops are full of customers.
How much money did you spend on Black Friday?
Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
Black Friday w Polsce nie ma
Black Friday w Polsce nie ma nic wspólnego z tym w USA czy chociażby w UK. Tam są faktyczne zniżki, a u nas najpierw podnosi się ceny, a dopiero później obniża. Często są i tak wyższe niż przed obniżką. Więc w USA to super dzień, gdzie można zaoszczędzić, a w Polsce - tylko stracić.