Idioms - sexuality related
An old flame - someone of the opposite sex you were strongly attracted to in the past - stara miłość
As the actress said to the bishop - (UK) This is used to highlight a sexual reference, deliberate or accidental.
Facts of life - When someone is taught the facts of life, they learn about sex and reproduction.
Play the field - Someone who plays the field has sexual relationships with many people.
A shotgun marriage, or shotgun wedding - is one that is forced because of pregnancy - małzeństwo z wpadki
Also a compromise, agreement or arrangement that is forced upon groups or people by necessity.
X-rated - If something is x-rated, it is not suitable for children - dozwolony tylko dla dorosłych, najczęściej dotyczy filmów erotycznych
A blue movie - a film with explicit adult scenes - film erotyczny/pornograficzny