British stereotypes

All these are stereotypes. Which is about the Englisg, Scottish, Welsh and Irish

- plays rugby
- works in a coalmine
- sings a lot
- eats leeks
- drinks beer
- talks a lot
- quick-tempered
- like mountains
- doesn't like the English
- speaks a strange language

- speaks properly
- works in an office
- wears a bowler hat
- carries an umbrella
- drinks tea
- eats fish and chips
- reads The Times
- is polite ( expect when watching football)
- doesn't like foreigners
- goes abroad for holidays

- doesn't like the anglish
- works in a factory
- plays rugby, football and golf
- drinks whisky
- plays the bagpipes
- wear a kilt
- eats porridge and haggis
- has a strange accent
- is mean
- likes dancing

- is happy
- has a very large family
- goes to church every Sunday
- sings and plays the violin
- drinks Guinness
- eats fish ( especially salmon)
- is lazy
- plays football and rugby
- doesn't like English
- is hospitable

1 - Welsh
2 - English
3 - Scottish
4 - Irish



bardzo ciekawe

bardzo ciekawe

Myślę że nie u wszystkich

Myślę że nie u wszystkich wkońcu to tylko stereotypy ;) Coś w stylu polacy to pijacy ;D

Dobrze że umieściłaś

Dobrze że umieściłaś poprawne odpowiedzi :)
Jestem ciekawa czy to naprawdę sprawdza się u wszystkich Brytyjczyków ;)
pozdrawiam :)