
My reason for wraiting

Try to imagine, that you meet person, who looks intelligent. Now you start talking to you about books which you like and authors which he prefer. Suddenly surprised you unexpected answer;

Why blog?

I'v been said ever; blog - no way, cos I'm not use to follow for popular, withaut any reason. I'm just about to change my decision, cos I have very good reason now - improve my english. It,s very important for me to pursue competent in english. Why, I gonna describe later.

OK! So let's start writing sth!;D

eehh. I'm quite new here, so I don't even know anything about this site, but if people create their own blogs I decided to do what they do;]

So maybe sth about my New Year's Eve and New Year.

a kto wie ....

I so very happy becouse is my first note<jupi>

Hello ! :D

 Jestem tu nowa i mam nadzieje, że ten portal będzie dla mnie " drugim domem" oraz przede wszystkim przydatnym portalem.


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