Symulacje rozmów: Przykład na temat "Traveling"

Symulacje rozmów: Przykład na temat "Traveling"


  • journey: a trip from one place to another, it can be long or short in duration.
  • destination: the place to which someone is going or being sent.
  • backpacking: traveling or hiking carrying one's belongings in a backpack.
  • sightseeing: visiting and seeing attractions and landmarks.
  • itinerary: a planned route or journey.
  • landmarks: recognizable natural or artificial features used for navigation.
  • accommodations: places (like hotels, hostels, etc.) where travelers can stay.
  • local cuisine: traditional food from a particular region or country.
  • tourist traps: places with overpriced goods and services that are made to attract tourists.
  • culture shock: the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture or way of life.

Sample Topic:
Describe a memorable journey you had and the experiences you encountered. What made it special?

Sample Sentences:

"Last summer, I embarked on a journey to Thailand, making it my first Asian destination."
"Initially, I planned on backpacking across the northern region, exploring the mountains and forests."
"I had a packed itinerary, but I left some days free for unplanned sightseeing and discovering hidden gems."
"During my travels, I came across several iconic landmarks, such as the White Temple in Chiang Rai and the bustling streets of Bangkok."
"I tried to avoid typical tourist traps and sought out authentic experiences. For instance, I took a local cooking class and learned about local cuisine."
"One of the challenges I faced was culture shock, especially with the local customs and etiquette, but it added depth to my travel experience."
"Although I had booked some accommodation in advance, I also spontaneously stayed in homestays, getting to know the local families and their way of life."
Such a simulation not only helps in practicing the vocabulary but also in constructing coherent narratives and refining one's storytelling skills in English.


Przykładowe dzialogi

Rezerwowanie wycieczki w biurze podróży:

  • Klient: Good afternoon. I'm planning a journey to Tokyo in the first week of July. I want to do some sightseeing and visit key landmarks.
  • Agent: Good afternoon. Tokyo is a fantastic destination! Would you be backpacking, or are you looking for accommodations like hotels?
  • Klient: I'm considering backpacking, but I'd like to know more about affordable accommodations too. Can you help me plan an itinerary?
  • Agent: Of course! I can suggest some places, keeping away from common tourist traps, ensuring you experience the genuine local cuisine and culture.
  • Klient: That sounds perfect. I've heard about culture shock. Do you think Tokyo will be very different?
  • Agent: Every place can offer a bit of culture shock, but embracing new experiences is part of the adventure!

Dyskusja między dwoma przyjaciółmi o podróżowaniu:

  • Anna: I'm thinking of backpacking throughout Europe next month. I want to dive deep into various cultures and maybe experience a bit of culture shock.
  • John: That sounds amazing! Europe is such a rich destination. Do you have an itinerary already?
  • Anna: Not yet. But I'm keen on sightseeing, visiting iconic landmarks, and trying the local cuisine in each country. I'm just wary of tourist traps.
  • John: Understandable. Well, I did a similar journey last year. Let me help you with planning!

Pytanie o doświadczenia z podróży:

  • Turysta: I've always loved the idea of backpacking through Asia, but I'm a bit nervous about the culture shock.
  • Podróżnik: It's natural to feel that way. My first journey to Vietnam was an eye-opener. The local cuisine was fantastic, but yes, there were moments of disorientation. The key is to keep an open mind and enjoy the experience. And always have a planned itinerary to ensure you don't miss out on any landmarks or attractions.
  • Turysta: Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to plan thoroughly and embrace new experiences.