paulina18_18's blog

Rzmówki angielskie w hotelu

1. Czy są u państwa wolne pokoje?
Are there any vacant rooms here?

2. Chciałbym zarezerwować pokój na jedną noc.
I'd like to make a reservation for one night.

My favourite song

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns

Humor 4

One day, three boys were walking over a bridge when they heard a guy yelling for help. It was President Bush. He was drowning, and the three boys rescued him.

Humor 3

Teacher ask Joe:

Teacher: Joe, stand up and give me an example at least two pronouns!
Joe: Who, me ???
Teacher: Well done, Joe, Sit down.

Humor 2

Why did the blonde take a ladder into the bar?

She heard the drinks were on the house.

the drinks are on the house - the drinks are free

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