Kolejny opracowany przez studenta anglistyki zestaw do matury ustnej z angielskiego.
1/ Koleżanka jest pod wrażeniem twojej znajomości języka angielskiego.
I usually learn by memorizing important things, such as vocabulary, or grammar rules. Most of the times I don't need anyone else to help me, as I am trying to achieve everything on my own, but from time to time my sister helps me with more difficult exercises. I wish I could learn Finnish some day, as this language sounds really melodic, and doesn't seem that hard to learn, but the biggest problem is the lack of some educational books.
2/ Jesteś w sklepie na zakupach.
I needed new shoes, so I went to the shoe-shop in the local trading center. I was walking around, trying to find a pair which will get my attention, but I didn't seem to have any luck. The worst part was, that I walked into a rack full of different kinds of boots, and they all fell on the floor! I felt really ashamed, and my face turned red after a while. The shop assistant came to me, and told me, that I will need to clear the mess I did. After all it wasn't that bad, because the assistant turned out to be really nice, and he helped me with it.
3/ Twoja rodzina z Anglii proponuje ci wyjazd do Walii, ty jednak wolałbyś wycieczkę do Londynu.
Powiedz dlaczego,
Wymyśl kompromis.
I am sorry, but I'm not really interested in going to Wales. I would prefer to go to London and go sightseeing there. In my opinion, we could go to London together. I think that you and your family could also have a nice time in there, as there are plenty of monuments, and many ways to have a good time.
Obrazek – 5 młodych osób, 3 na niebieskich rowerach, ubrane na niebiesko, rozmawiają z kobietami.
I think, that they enjoy their work, because they get to work with other people. While working, they can make friends, talk with others and exchange their thoughts. A lot of people love to have social contacts whenever they can, so that kind of job may be a good opportunity for them. At the moment, young people may have problems with finding a decent job. Employers usually require good education and few years of experience to hire anyone, although, getting a part-time job, as a waiter or shop assistant, should be much easier, even for teenagers.
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