Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr3


1/ Rozmawiasz z koleżanką jadącą na wycieczkę.

  •             Zapytaj, czy zabrała ze sobą dokumenty,
  •             Zapytaj czy spakowała wszystkie potrzebne rzeczy,
  •             Zapytaj, czy pamięta gdzie się umówiliście.


  • A. Hello, are you prepared for the trip? Have you taken all the important documents, and the necessary items?
  • B. Yes, I am prepared for it, I've checked two times that I've taken everything that I'm going to need.
  • A. Thats great. Do you remember where we are going to meet before going to the bus station?
  • B. Yes, next to the stadium, see you there!
  • A. Bye!


2/ To twój pierwszy dzień w pracy, a twój szef kazał ci coś wydrukować.

  •             Opowiedz dlaczego musiałeś skorzystać z drukarki,
  •             Opisz problem jaki napotkałeś i to jak go rozwiązałeś.

I had really a very stressful first day in new job today! My boss told me to print some important documents, needed to finalize the transaction with important customer. I tried to use the printer, but it didn't seem to work at all! I felt terrible, as that was really important for company, and for me, personally. Luckily, my mate from the job helped me with fixing the printer, and i menaged to print it without any further problems. I was really stressed, but also happy, that I did it.


3/ Znajomi proponują ci wspólne wyjście wieczorem.

  •             Odmów im i podaj powód,
  •             Zaproponuj, aby oni przyszli do Ciebie,
  •             Wytłumacz, dlaczego Twoja propozycja jest lepsza.


Sorry guys, I can't go with you today. My leg really hurts, and thats why I am not in the mood to go anywhere, but I've got an idea – maybe you will come and visit me, and we will have a party at my place? I think that this may be even better idea, as we won't have to pay for any entrance fees! If you are into it, then give me a call before coming.


Obrazek; Nauczycielka i 3 małych dzieci, uczą się biologii.

This picture shows a teacher and 3 children in the classroom. They seem to be learning biology. In my opinion, we should have a classes even for very young kids. This way, they will not only expand their knowledge, but they should also learn how to behave in school, or while playing with other children. As we all know, education is very important, so we should get it from the very start of our lives.