The influence of cigarettes on our health

The influence of cigarettes on our health:

The influence of smoking on a person's health cannot be described in any other way than only as harmful. First of all, it is known to be the cause of lung cancer which in many cases is incurable. Even if a patient manages to survive the disease, he still needs to undergo a series of tenuous treatments that considerably weaken his general health condition. Of course, there are such smokers that can live all their lives without getting ill. However, cigarettes still display their harmful influence in the form of yellow fingernails and fingertips, bad breath and deteriorated skin. Such features of appearance enable us to immediately distinguish a smoker from a non-smoking person. Some people might not be convinced by the argument that smoking actually changes the way we look, saying that it takes years and years of indulging in this habit to see its impact on our body. They are sorely mistaken because every single time they inhale the smoke they let poison into their organisms. It does not matter whether the consequences are visible after a few minutes or after a few years. What matters is that it is a hazardous habit to be taking up and it is best to avoid it altogether. After all, it is much easier to restrain from something that you have never tried before.