drugi okres warunkowy,can, could, be allowed to,have to, must...powtórzenie

Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie zadania! Pani już mnie uprzedziła,że weźmie mi do sprawdzenia a zależy mi na dobrych stopniach z j.angielskiego!

Zad.1. (to co na kolorowo lub podkreślone to moja odpowiedź)

Przeczytaj o podanych problemach i napisz zdanai w drugim okresie warunkowym.

1). Computers aren't cheap, so some people don't buy them.

     Some people would buy computer, if  weren't cheap them.

2). Computers lose information because viruses damage them.

Computers wouldn't lose information, if he didn't had viruses.

3). People don't spend much time online because telephone calls are expensive.

    People would spend much time online, if telephone calls didn't expensive.

4). Some computer games need special equipment, so not everybody plays them.

Some computer games wouldn't need special equipment, if she everybody played them.

5).  Some people don't write e-mails because they don't have the Internet on their computers.

Some people would write e-mails, if they had the Internet on their computers.

6).  I havn't got a fast Internet connection, so I can't surf the net quickly.

I would have got a fast connection, if I could surf the net quickly.



Zakreśl prawidłową formę.

1). She was famous and people were scared of her, so she  CAN/ could  behave badly.

2). But now Julia is very strict with  her daughter Juliette; she CAN/ isn't allowed to do anything without her mother's permission.

3). Juliette is allowed to /CAN'T go out with boys sometimes, but only the boys that her mother chooses for her.

4). Juliette COULD / wasn't allowed to make any decisions about her own career, either.

5). Last year she was asked to star in a film, but she can / COULDN'T because her mother didn't like the romantic story.

6). Juliette is in love but she can / ISN'T ALLOWED TO get married without her mother's permission. 

have to

Jak widać strasznei się w

Jak widać strasznei się w tym gubię:(:(:( ale dziekuje za pomoc:*Pozdrawiam:*)

Zakreśl prawidłową

Zakreśl prawidłową formę.

1). She was famous and people were scared of her, so she CAN/ could behave badly.

2). But now Julia is very strict with her daughter Juliette; she CAN/ isn't allowed to do anything without her mother's permission.

3). Juliette is allowed to /CAN'T go out with boys sometimes, but only the boys that her mother chooses for her.

4). Juliette COULD / wasn't allowed to make any decisions about her own career, either.

5). Last year she was asked to star in a film, but she can / COULDN'T because her mother didn't like the romantic story.

6). Juliette is in love but she can / ISN'T ALLOWED TO get married without her mother's permission.

Pogrubiono prawidłowe odpowiedzi


zadanie domowe

Brdzo dziekuje za pomoc!:) a 2 zadanie jest dobrze?:)

1). Computers aren't cheap,

1). Computers aren't cheap, so some people don't buy them.

Some people would buy computers if they were cheap.

2). Computers lose information because viruses damage them.

Computers wouldn't lose information if they didn't have viruses.

3). People don't spend much time online because telephone calls are expensive.

People would spend much time online if telephone calls weren't expensive.

4). Some computer games need special equipment, so not everybody plays them.

If computers games didn't need special equipment, everybody would play them.

5). Some people don't write e-mails because they don't have the Internet on their computers.

Some people would write e-mails if they had the Internet on their computers.

6). I haven't got a fast Internet connection, so I can't surf the net quickly.

I would surf the net quickly If I had a fast Internet connection.

Błędy wskazują na problemy z budowaniem czasów np. Past Simple. Oraz prawidłowym zrozumieniem przykładów. Proszę powtórzyć budowę wskazanego czasu oraz 2 trybu warunkowego. Proszę pamiętać, że jeżeli tryb jest odwrócony, wówczas nie ma już przecinka.


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