Does a lot of money REALLY make you happy?-reading and vocabulary practice; pre-intermediate level

Does a lot of money REALLY make you happy?

Mark Larsen won over nine million pounds on the lottery two years ago. At first, life was fantastic and Mark had some fun – he spent a lot of money on a bog new house and five new cars. Then the problems started. Some friends began to ask him for money. He had a lot of arguments with his wife and they divorced. Now he says, “I haven’t got any friends and I feel lonely. Life was better when I didn’t have much money.”

Many people think that money bring happiness. However, according to Professor Michael Argyle, this is not true. In Britain, we are richer but unhappier than fifty years ago. The USA is the richest country in the world but Americans are not the happiest people in the world.

Professor Argyle has found that very poor people and very rich people are unhappier than those in between. For example, very poor people in the developing world live in overcrowded houses without any running water and with no electricity. However, there are also many millionaires with personal problems. A lot of young people who get rich very quickly are at risk.

Because of this a few young millionaires are changing their lifestyles. Richard Cross, a multi-millionaire computer analyst from California, is an example. His house shows no sings of his wealth. There is a small garden and there are only two cars parked outside his house. “I want my kids to live a normal life”, says Richard.

So what can make us happy? According to Professor Argyle, you should have one close relationship and some close friends. You should do a little sport and have a lot of contact with other people. Other people make you happy, not money!

Ex 1

Read the article. Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Mark Larsen was happier when he was poorer. T/F
  2. British people are happier than in the past. T/F 
  3. Millionaires and very poor people are often unhappy. T/F
  4. Richard Cross has not got much money. T/F
  5. It’s a good thing to have friends. T/F
  6. A lot of money makes you very happy. T/F

Ex 2

Match the words to make phrases from the article.

1st column: have, feel, bring, get, a normal, close

2nd column: rich, life, relationships, arguments, happiness, lonely




Complete each set of sentences with one appropriate word.

  1. I broke the vase during an ______________ with my husband. There are strong ________________s for and against euthanasia. She got into an _________________ with the teacher.
  2. Robert asked the waiter to ______________ him the check. What __________s you here on a night like this? Her words ______________ (past simple form) a sudden smile to his lips. The pain _______________ (past simple form) tears to his eyes.
  3. Children need physical ______________ with a caring adult. He has a lot of ______________s in the media. There is very little ____________ between the two tribes. I usually wear ___________ lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
  4. No, honestly, it's a ____________ story. The results appear to hold ____________ (=still be correct) for other countries. The heroine finally finds __________ love. Marriage to her is a dream come __________ .
  5. I've known John all my ___________ (=since I was born). He's a _________ member (=continuing until he dies) of the club. Having a baby changes your ___________ completely. Sara admits to having affairs throughout her married ____________ .


Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

  1. My parents thought it was ____________ for a boy to be interested in ballet. NORMAL
  2. If Jimmy keeps spending like this, he's going to end up in the ____________ . POOR 
  3. Buying a secondhand car is a ___________ business. RISK
  4. She couldn't stand the _______________ without him. LONELY
  5. The two boys formed a deep and lasting _________________ . FRIEND
  6. Coca Cola is a ______________ name around the world. HOUSE
  7. Juliet's eyes shone with _____________ . HAPPY
  8. She couldn’t believe her own daughter would even consider marrying a ____________ . DIVORCE
  9. There have been significant computer ______________ during the last decade. DEVELOP
  10. I had a sort of love-hate ________________ with my brother. RELATION

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Mark Larsen zdobył ponad dziewięć milionów funtów na loterii dwa lata temu. W pierwszym, życie było fantastyczne i Mark miał trochę zabawy - spędził dużo pieniędzy na nowy dom torfowiska i pięć nowych samochodów. Potem zaczely sie problemy. Niektórzy znajomi zaczęli prosić go o pieniądze. Miał wiele argumentów z żoną i kosmonautów. Teraz mówi, "nie mam przyjaciół i czuję się samotny. Życie było lepiej, kiedy nie miałem
dużo pieniędzy. "

Wielu ludzi myśli, które przynoszą pieniądze szczęścia. Jednakże, zdaniem profesora Michaela Argyle, nie jest to prawdą. W Wielkiej Brytanii, jesteśmy bogatsi, ale unhappier niż pięćdziesiąt lat temu. USA jest najbogatszym krajem na świecie, ale Amerykanie nie są najszczęśliwszymi ludźmi na świecie.

Argyle profesor uznał, że bardzo biednych i bardzo bogatych ludzi unhappier niż pomiędzy nimi. Na przykład, bardzo biednych ludzi w krajach rozwijających się żyje w przepełnionych domach bez bieżącej wody i bez energii elektrycznej. Jednakże istnieje również wiele milionerzy z osobistych problemów. Wielu młodych ludzi, którzy bardzo szybko się wzbogacić na ryzyko.

Z tego powodu kilka młodych milionerów zmieniają swój styl życia. Richard Cross, multi-milioner analityk komputer z Kalifornii, jest przykładem. Jego dom nie wykazuje żadnych oznak jego bogactwa. Znajduje się niewielki ogród i są tylko dwa samochody zaparkowane na zewnątrz domu. "Chcę moje dzieci na normalne życie", mówi Richard.

Więc co może uczynić nas szczęśliwymi? Według profesora Argyle, należy mieć jeden ścisły związek i kilka bliskich. Należy zrobić trochę sport i dużo kontaktu z innymi ludźmi. Innych osób uczynić cię szczęśliwą nie pieniądze!