Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr23-24


1) Chcesz zwiedzić Buckingham Palace, dzwoniąc do informacji turystycznej zapytaj:

- w jakich godzinach jest otwarty

- ile kosztuje bilet

- czy jest możliwość zwiedzania z przewodnikiem


A. Good morning. I would like to ask at what times Buckingham Palace is open for tourists?

B. From 10-20 each day.

A. Ok, what is the cost of the ticket then?

B. 20 Euro for adults, and 10 Euro for kids.

A. Is it possible to hire a tour-guide?

B. Of course.

A. Very well then, thank you.


2) Przygotowałeś przyjęcie dla rodziny. Powiedz:

- co ugotowałeś na obiad

- czego użyłeś do ugotowania tych potraw

- jak zareagowała rodzina

I've prepared a wonderful dinner for my family. I've prepared a steak, with boiled vegetables, such as potatoes, carrot, etc. We also had good, red wine. Everything was really tasty, and I was surprised, because I didn't expect to have such culinary skills! My family was really happy about it too, and my mother told me, that now, she will let me in kitchen more often!


3) Wypożyczyłeś rower z wypożyczalni, właściciel przypomina, że mija termin zapłaty:

- nie zgódź się na ten termin zapłaty i powiedz dlaczego się nie zgadzasz

- zaproponuj, że zapłacisz w ratach

- przekonaj, że oddasz rower w wyznaczonym terminie


A. Good morning, I know that I should pay for renting the bicycle today, but I will need it for another week.

B. Will you have enough money to rent it for that long?

A. Do you accept partial payments?

B. Yes, we do, but you will have to return the bicycle on a given date.

A. Ok, I will do, thank you.

B. Thank you, and enjoy our bicycle.



Ulica, wyglądająca na jakiś deptak. Na pierwszym planie 6 chłopaków, ubranych w luzackie stroje. Jeden tańczy na takiej macie rozłożonej na podłodze,pozostali stoją obok, przyglądają się i się cieszą. Obok maty stoi magnetofon, z którego pewnie puszczają muzykę. W tle są jakieś kamienice, w jednej znajduje się chyba restauracja. Za chłopakami, a przed kamienicami jest coś w rodzaju ogródka piwnego, są parasole, które są złożone.

1. Jak sądzisz, czy chłopcy w ten sposób zarabiają pieniądze, czy jest to dla nich tylko zabawa?

2. W jaki sposób młodzież w Polsce spędza swój wolny czas?

This picture shows us a group of boys, located in the city centre, we can see a restaurant. They seem to be breakdancing, we can also notice a tape recorder, which is used as a source of music.  In my opinion, they are street performers, and they are trying to earn money that way – in big cities, they actually might earn good cash on such performances, especially if they are good at what they're doing. Here, in Poland, teenagers usually spend their free time at concert, discotheques, or in pubs, these seem to be most common choices for them.



A. Jesteś w restauracji.

-zapytaj o najlepsze danie,

-zapytaj co w nim jest,

-zamów deser.


A. Good morning, I'd like to ask for your best dish.

B. Good morning. Our speciality here is called a  Chicken Royale.

A. What is it made of?

B. Well, it is a chicken, with a lot of vegetables, and a delicious tomato sauce. It is really good, and I think that you may like it.

A. Ok, then I will take it. I'd also like to order tiramisu as a dessert.

B. Very well Sir.


B. Opowiedz swojej koleżance o 70 urodzinach babci

-powiedz kto był organizatorem,

-jak przebiegała impreza,

-co dostała babcia i jak zareagowała.

My grandmother had her 70's birthday last week. I've decided to make a birthday party for her – my parents helped me with preparing the house. We used our biggest room as a main place for the party, we decorated it with colourful balloons and candles. The party was really nice, we listened to some old music which my grandmother always liked. We also bought her a  really nice sweater, and she seemed to really like it!


C. Koledzy chcą jechać na wycieczkę w góry.

-Powiedz ze się nie zgadzasz i wyjaśnij dlaczego,

-Zaproponuj wyjazd nad morze, uzasadnij dlaczego,

-zaproponuj wyjazd w góry w innym terminie.


A. Sorry, but I don't think we should go to the mountainside this week.

B. Why?

A. It is way too cold,  the weather there is even worse then here. I think that we should go to the seaside, it should be warmer there.

B. No, it is too far for us, and we don't have that much cash to spend.

A. Well, then I think the best solution would be to wait for a week or so and see what the weather will be, then we will see if its good enough to go anywhere.

B. Sounds good, lets wait for some time then.


Na obrazku były dwie panie w sklepie. Obie się śmiały, jedna trzymała torebkę i kartę kredytowa. Pytania :

-Jak kobieta chce zapłacić?

-Dlaczego karta kredytowa jest przydatna

On this picture we can see two women in shop. They seem happy, one of them is carrying a bag and a credit card. She clearly wants to pay using the credit card. This method of paying is really comfortable, because we don't have to carry big amounts of money with us. It is also much more safe, even if someone will steal our credit card, he won't be able to use it without knowing the code.



*dowiedz się gdzie pracują młodzi Anglicy

*zapytaj jak często podejmują pracę za granicą

* powiedz o zajęciach jakie wykonuje polska młodzież

(zaczyna zdający)


A. Hello, could you help me? I am curious where the young English  are people working.

B. Usually they work only part-time in some factories, or public services.

A. Is it popular to work abroad?

B. Not really, the payment here is decent, so there is no need to go anywhere far. How is it in Poland then?

A. It is hard to get a good job as a teenager here. That's why a lot of young people are leaving to the countries like Germany or Netherlands. The payments there are also a lot higher then here.


b) opowiedz o przebiegu akcji"czyste miasto"

*jak się przygotowywaliście?

*jej przebieg

*jednym zaskakującym wydarzeniu

(zaczyna egzaminujący)

We were having this ecological action today, called “Clean City”. We have been preparing for some time – we had comfortable clothes, trash bags, and rubber gloves, to avoid contact with bacteria. We were walking through the city, picking up every trash we could spot. The biggest surprise was the contest that was announced by our leader – he said, that the person with first filled trash bag will win a special reward. It made that action really exciting.

c) Twoja dziewczyna proponuje ci wyjście do kina, ty jednak wolałbyś iść na spacer. Odrzuć jej propozycję, podaj powód,  przedstaw swoją propozycję i uzasadnij dlaczego twoja jest lepsza

A. Hey, could we go to the cinema tonight? They are playing this great, new romantic comedy!

B. Sorry, but I already had a different plans for us tonight.

A. Yes?

B. I thought that we may go for a walk next to the lake, it would be great, you and me, and stars above us. That would be much more romantic then the film!

A. Ok.. if you say so.


*poproś koleżankę na imprezie by przestała palić

*odrzuć jej argumenty

*zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie


A. I'm sorry, but could you stop smoking? It is annoying.

B. Sorry, but I can smoke in this place, I can't see a smoking ban in here.

A. Well, there isn't one, but I hate the cigarettes' smoke. Could you at least turn in the other direction, so you won't blow the smoke on me?

B. Ok, I will do so if it is that annoying for you.

A. Thank you very much.


Obrazek: Starsza pani gotuje coś - prawdopodobnie jakieś ciasto, bo ugniata coś w dużej czerwonej misce. Patrzy jednocześnie na laptopa, który leży na stole przed nią.

1. Dlaczego ta pani patrzy się na laptopa?

2. Do czego nowoczesne technologie przydają nam się w życiu codziennym?

On this picture, we can see an older lady, preparing some food. It may be some kind of cake, as she is mashing something in the bowl. We can see, that she is also looking at laptop, in my opinion she is checking the recipe on the Internet. Modern technologies can be helpful in almost every aspect of our lives – from cooking, to learning. If we will be using them wisely, we can really improve the quality of our life.



1. Pracujesz w weekendy dodatkowo:

-co to za praca

-co należy do twoich obowiązków

-ile dostajesz wynagrodzenia

I am working as a waiter at weekends. It is really a nice job. I'm taking orders from customers, and I am bringing them meals. It's not that hard as I expected at the beginning, when everything seemed so new and difficult. I can earn good experience this way, and also nice amount of money, as they are paying me 5 Euro per each hour of work.

hej, od kiedy o stałych

hej, od kiedy o stałych czynnościach mówimy/piszemy używając Present Continous???