According to a common saying “Children are the future of the nation “. How do you understand this saying and .....

According to a common saying “Children are the future of the nation “. How do you understand this saying and how does the reality reflect it ?


o tym dlaczego warto inwestować w dzieci
o tym co by było, gdyby dzieci nie było
młodzież ma nowe, świeże pomysły na polityke społeczną etc.


wychowywać - to bring up
dzieciństwo - childhood
wyrastać z czegoś - to grow out of sth
zaufanie - trust; confidence
postęp - progress
warte inwesowania - worth investing


Besides that we still repeat

Besides that we still repeat this proverb, I think that it is topic on Matura exam and you've got great idea to write posts like this ;)

Yeah, we very often repeat

Yeah, we very often repeat this old proverb "Children are the future of the nation". I agree with this sentence.