Zapraszam na spotkania językowe , wymiana polsko -angielski, angielski - polski.
Pierwsze spotkanie odbędzie się 10 stycznia w klubokawiarni La Bor ul. Zgoda 1, Warszawa.
Kiedy najlepiej rozpocząć naukę języka obcego dla dziecka?
Zrozumienie Szkotów czy Irlandczyków to czasami nielada wyzwanie ;)
Bardzo proszę nauczycieli języka angielskiego o pomoc i wypełnienie ankiety dotyczącej ich pracy. Ma mi ona pomóc w diagnozie poziomu wypalenia zawodowego w podanej grupie zawodowej.
Witam Państwa,
Mam pytanie,gdzie mogę znalezc jakis fajny kurs online,który od początku
beginnera nauczy mnie podstaw ale bardziej w kierunku mówienia niz gramatyki?
The only way to learn new language is just speaking. Grammar is nice but for teachers who wanna improve they skills and unfortunately useless for beginners.
Darmowe kursy języka angielskiego, komputerowe i zawodowe Warszawa
Szkoła Języków Obcych LEXIS bierze udział w projekcie "Równaj do najlepszych czyli permanentne uczenie się pracowników"
Gdzie polecacie jechać, aby wypocząć i intensywnie podreperować angielski, chciałbym coś egzotycznego:)
Dream as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow but dream as if you were to live until the end of time
Hi all.
Translate the sentences from Polish into English (tenses: present perfect, present simple, |
VerbBusters is a multilingual project which provides a complete set of resources for the study of the English irregular verbs.
Chcialbym podzielic sie z Wami swoimi spostrzezeniami na temat wplywu mediow na zachowania ludzi na przykladzie "Scare campaign"zwiazanej ze Swine Flu.
Swine Flu Media Scare
Zapraszamy na kurs języka angielskiego do Sunshine State Study Center w Miami, w USA.
Hi, I was not sure where to add it, but I do think it is worth posting.
We are looking for fluent english speaking candidates.
We are working with International corporations and Language Schools
- Finance experience will be a great asset
As above...
Hello, I'd like to invite all of you to read my new blog about films. I write comments about them and give stars. Come, read and enjoy, write comments and your opinions, here is the link:
Since time immemorial, the American Continent, and later the United States of America, due to its exceptional receptiveness and welcoming hospitality towards newcomers, has been referred to as “the... |
I am new person here and I am thinking that I can find something interesting for me :) I don't know when I will be enough good in english but I am still trying :) We will see :p
In compliance with the traditions of various religions around the world, for example the tradition of the Catholic Church, parents from the believing families baptise their children during the first
“Pride always comes before a fall” This assertion comes from The Old Testament.
back out - wycofywać się
back sb/sth up - popierać, potwierdzać
bank on - liczyć na coś
be after - poszukiwać, gonić, ścigać
be made for - być stworzonym dlakogoś/siebie
s vhvsfgfbghgfd
Fucking, Austria
Hi, as I love animals I have a question for you guys. What is you favourite animal? I love dogs and delfins, but hate spiders. Which one you hate? Let's talk in English ;)
I have seen before a topic about talking in English, so I think it is a good idea and I am just starting a new one. This time it's all about the holiday.
Hello my name Marta and I would start a some funny discusion and at the same time learn english. May you want to learn with me????
I invate everyone