Gut feeling = przeczucie
Your gut feeling concerns the impression that your subconscious has about a person or situation. You don’t know why you feel the way you do, but you feel confident that your opinion is correct.
- I have a terrible gut feeling about that Goblin. He just doesn’t seem like boyfriend material.
- I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen. My gut reaction is that we should hire Susan for the job.
Joined at the hip = papużki nierozłączki
Two people are joined at the hip if they are almost inseparable. The phrase is usually used to describe courting couples or close friends.
- Suzie and James are joined at hip. I don’t know what they will do when he has to go away to university.
- Amy and her boss were joined at the hip; you never saw one without the other.
Head start = fory, ułatwienie
You have a head start if you start a task or event ahead of all others. If you have a head start, you are considered to have an advantage.
- I have already prepared my pastry, so I will have a head start in tomorrow’s cookery class.
- I'll get a head start on the paperwork this weekend.
Hands are tied = mieć związane ręce - nie móc czegoś zrobić
You say that your hands are tied if you are prevented from doing something because you don’t have the power or authority to do it:
- I would like to help you to get planning permission to build a windmill, but my hands are tied.
- I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. My hands are tied.

Pain in the neck = utrapienie
You say someone is a pain in the neck if they irritate you or make life difficult for you. A situation can also be a pain in the neck if it makes your life difficult.
- The fact I have to pick John up from the airport this evening is a real pain in the neck.
- That kid is a terrible pain
A weight off your shoulders = ciężar z barków
You can say a weight is off your shoulders if you no longer have to worry about something or deal with something difficult.
- Thank goodness that exam is over; it really is a weight off my shoulders
- Thanks so much for agreeing to take care of Snoopy while I'm away. It's a weight off my shoulders knowing that a real dog lover will be looking after her.

Achilles’ heel = pięta achillesowa (słaby, czuły punkt)
An Achilles’ heel is a weakness or flaw that could result in failure.
- The Snafflepus’ love of chocolate was his Achilles’ heel; he had no real chance of ever winning the world diet championships.
- As a team they're strong on attack but they have a weak defence that might prove to be their Achilles' heel. Vanity was his Achilles heel.
A sight for sore eyes = widok, który raduje serce
Something or someone is a sight for sore eyes if it makes you happy to see them.
- I have missed you so much; you really are a sight for sore eyes.
- Woah, that babe over there is a sight for sore eyes.
Find your feet = poczuć się pewnie, przyzwyczaić się
When you are finding your feet, you are in the process of gaining confidence and experience in something.
- I really like my new job but it is going to take me a while to find my feet.
- She was lonely when she first left home, but she is finding her feet now. It takes time to learn the office routine, but you will gradually find your feet.
Weak at the knees = czujący, że kolana się uginają
If you go weak at the knees, you feel an emotion so strongly that it makes you feel unstable on your feet.
- Just thinking about getting up in front of a thousand people makes me weak at the knees. It's terrifying!
- The very thought of jumping out of an aircraft with a parachute made him go weak at the knees. He was so gorgeous, I felt weak at the knees every time he spoke to me.