advertising campaign - kampania reklamowa
to advertise - reklamować
brand - marka
brand image - wizerunek marki
brand recognition - rozpoznawalność marki
gimmick - chwyt reklamowy
logo - logo
flier - ulotka (reklamowa)
classified ads - ogłoszenia drobne
TV commercial - reklama TV
hoarding (BrE) - bilbord
special display - specjalna wystawa, ekspozycja
neon signs - znaki neonowe
special offer - specjalna oferta, np. zniżka
free sample - darmowa próbka
discout - upust
free gift - darmowy upominek
competition with prizes - konkurs z nagrodami
loyalty cards - karty stałego klienta
display advertisement - reklama o wyróżniającej się formie graficznej (np. zajmująca połowę strony lub całą stronę w gazecie, np. reklama perfum)
1.Why do companies advertise their products?
2.Do you like TV commercials?
3.How are women and men presented in TV commercials?
4.Have you ever been shocked by a TV commercial? What issues shouldn’t be used in advertising?
5.Have you ever been disappointed by an avertised product?
6.Do you think actors should take part in advertising campaigns?
7.What tricks do companies use to attract people’s attention in their advertising campaigns?
8.Give examples of types of advertising media.
9.Which do you think is the best and why?
10.What promotional activities do companies use?
11.Have you ever bought something that was promoted in any of these ways?
12.Do you think you are influenced by advertising?
13.Give examples of popular brands and describe their brand image.
8. hoaarding, TV commercial, special display, display advertisement, neon sign, classified ads
10. special offers, discounts, competitions, free samples, free gifts
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