Darmowy kurs mp3 - Gramatyka języka angielskiego - lekcja 4 - Present Perfect.
Ćwiczenie pierwsze.
Słuchaj dialogu.
- Susan. What about our preparations for the conference?
- We have already sent the invitations to the clients.
- Have you printed the brochures?
- No, I haven’t. Chris hasn’t finished the article yet.
- OK. Has the secretary booked the hotel for the guests?
- Yes, she has. We have received 158 replies so far, so I have decided to book 180 rooms.
- Where have you booked the rooms?
- In the Ibis Hotel. It’s not far from the conference centre.
- OK. What about food and drink?
- The Marketing Department has taken on the catering firm, so they will look after everything.
- How long have they been on the market?
- For two years. They have already been checked. I think it was during a Christmas party.
- OK. See you later.
an invitation – zaproszenie
a brochure – broszura
to receive – otrzymać
a reply – odpowiedź
to take on – zatrudnić
the catering firm – firma cateringowa
to look after – zając się
everything – wszystko
on the market – na rynku
Ćwiczenie drugie.
Powtarzaj zdania twierdzące.
- I have already sent the invitations.
- We have received a lot of replies so far.
- She has booked the hotel.
- The Marketing Department has taken on the catering firm.
- They have already been checked.
Ćwiczenie trzecie.
Powtarzaj zdania przeczące.
- I haven’t printed the brochures yet.
- We haven’t received all the replies.
- He hasn’t finished the article yet.
- They haven’t chosen the menu yet.
- He hasn’t decided yet.
Ćwiczenie czwarte.
Ćwiczenie czwarte. Używając podanych czasowników, opowiedz o przygotowaniach Państwa Brown do rocznicy ślubu. Po każdym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawną odpowiedź.
Słuchaj instrukcji.
1. Talk about the guests.
(to invite)
They have invited the guests.
2. Talk about the restaurant.
(to book)
They have booked the restaurant.
3. Talk about the menu.
(to choose)
They have chosen the menu.
4. Talk about the flowers for Mrs. Brown.
(to order)
Mr Brown has ordered the flowers for Mrs Brown.
5. Talk about a dress for Mrs Brown.
(to buy)
Mrs Brown has bought a long dress.
Ćwiczenie piąte.
Powtarzaj pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
- Have you decided yet?
- Yes, we have.
- Have you printed the brochures?
- No, we haven’t.
- Has the secretary booked the hotel for the guests?
- Yes, she has.
- Has Chris finished the article?
- No, he hasn’t.
- How many replies have you received so far?
- Where has the secretary booked the rooms?
- How long have they been on the market?
Ćwiczenie szóste.
Zapytaj przyjaciela o przygotowania do urodzin. Po każdym przykładzie usłyszysz poprawne pytanie. Słuchaj instrukcji.
1. Ask how many people he has invited.
How many people have you invited?
2. Ask if he has sent the invitations.
Have you sent the invitations?
3. Ask if he has already chosen the club.
Have you chosen the club yet?
4. Ask where he has ordered the food and
Where have you ordered the food and
5. Ask if he has taken on a band to play
live music.
Have you taken on a band to play live
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