Passive Voice - Strona bierna

Passive Voice

Fifteen-year-old Alison Watts, who was rescued from a fire at school two weeks ago, has been discharged from hospital today. She is reported to be fully recovered from her injuries. It has been said that the fire was started by some teenagers playing with matches in one of the classrooms. The case is being investigated by the police. 

      Strony biernej używamy: 

  • gdy jakaś  czynność jest ważniejsza od jej wykonawcy,  
    np: My bike was mended last Tuesday.
  • gdy sprawca czynności jest nieznany,  
    np: My sister was mugged yesterday.
  • kiedy chcemy podkreślić, że dana osoba była sprawcą czynności,

    np. This film was directed by Steven Spielberg

Aby utworzyć stronę  bierną, korzystamy z czasownika „to be” w odpowiedniej formie oraz past participle: 

Present Simple:       podmiot+is/are/am+past participle+reszta zdania

The book is read from time to time.


Present Continous:  podmiot+is/are/am+being+past participle+reszta zdania

 The bike is being repaired now.


Past Simple:             podmiot+was/were+past participle+reszta zdania

The bridge was constructed in 1908.


Past Continuous:       podmiot+was/were+being+past participle+reszta zdania

 The door was being painted when they came.


Future Simple:         podmiot+will+be+past participle+reszta zdania

 The employee will be sacked.


Present Perfect:       podmiot+have/has+been+past participle+reszta zdania

A new school has been opened.


Past Perfect:            podmiot+had+been+past participle+reszta zdania

 The restaurant had been decorated before the guests came.


Future Perfect:        podmiot+will+have+been+past participle+reszta zdania

The house will have been built by the end of the month.


Modal verbs:           podmiot+modal verb+be+past participle+reszta zdania

This task must be completed until Monday.


Czasy Past Perfect Continous, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Continous i Future Perfect Continous są używane w stronie biernej bardzo rzadko. 



Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold: 

  1. Peter repaired the fence. 
    The fence .........................................................................................
  2. They haven’t published the book yet. 
    The book...........................................................................................

    3.    Someone had broken into our house before we came back. 
           Our ................................................................................................... 

    Key: 1. was repaired by Peter 2. hasn’t been published yet 3. house had been broken into before we came back