Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr8



1. Rozmawiasz z koleżanką, mówisz że masz nowego chłopaka / dziewczynę.

  • Gdzie go/ją poznałaś
  • Ile się znacie
  • Zapytaj czy możesz wysłać jej jego/jej zdjęcie


  • A. Hello, I've finally got a girlfriend!
  • B. Hey, that's really good to hear! Where did you meet her.
  • A. On a concert, two weeks ago. We went on a date after 2 days, and we decided to give us a chance.
  • B. Nice! What is she like?
  • A. She is really pretty and smart. I can send you her photo if you like.
  • B. I would love to see her!


2. Opowiadasz o swoim pobycie na Wyspach Owczych. Opowiedz przyjacielowi:

  • Dlaczego pojechałeś,
  • Jaką pogodę zastałeś.
  • Opisz swoje wrażenia.

I just came back from Faroe Island. I went there, because I am interested in Vikings and their culture. The weather was fantastic, sun was shining all the time, the sky was blue, and it was really warm during the whole trip. The trip itself was fantastic too, I've seen a lot of pretty monuments, and met many interesting people. It also got me closer to the culture that I admire.


3. Koleżanka proponuje Ci jednodniowy rejs statkiem

  • odrzuć propozycję, powiedz dlaczego
  • zaproponuj coś innego
  • wyraź zadowolenie z przyjęcia propozycji
  • A. Sorry, but I am not interested in going for one day long trip on the ship. In my opinion it would be too expensive.
  • B. That's not good, thought it may be nice idea to spend some time together.
  • A. How about we will go to the cinema today? They are playing really nice film.
  • B. Sounds good, and we will spend much less money this way.
  • A. Yes, and we can keep storing some money, and then go for a longer cruise.


Opis obrazka: Na głównym planie duży samolot z napisem “British Airways”, dopiero co wzniósł się w powietrze. Dookoła tłum ludzi

  1. Jak myślisz, na co czekają ludzie?
  2. Uzasadnij swoimi słowami, dlaczego podróżowanie samolotem jest popularne. 

On this picture, we can see a big aeroplane, from “British Airways”. It seems that its flight started few seconds ago, as it isn't very high in the air yet. There are a lot of people around. In my opinion they are waiting for the plane to disappear from their sight, to make sure that their friends and relatives are flying safely. I think, that flying is such a popular ways of transport due to it being fast, and relatively cheap, especially now, when a lot of cheaper airlines are being made. It is also being much safer then other means of transport, for example buses, trains etc.