Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr7

 ZESTAW 7 - pytania do matury ustnej z języka angielskiego, opracowane przez studenta anglistyki. 


1. Musisz pokazać miasto koleżance z Anglii:

(zaczyna egzaminator)

  • - zapytaj co ją interesuje i co chciałaby zobaczyć,
  • - powiedz co warto zobaczyć w Twoim mieście,
  • - powiedz gdzie można zjeść regionalne danie,


  • A. Hello, I would like to go on a little trip around your city.
  • B. Ok, are there any special places that you would like to see?
  • A. Well, I don't know, I thought that you will give me some ideas.
  • B. Very well, then we will go to see our city park, as it is really pretty and worth seeing. Then we will go and have a look at our theatre. It is the oldest building in my town, and I think you may like it. If you will want to taste our regional cuisine, then I can also take you to the best restaurant here.
  • A. Sounds like a good plan for the trip, I like it, lets go then!


2. Widziałaś próbę obrabowania sklepu:

(zaczyna zdający)

  • - opisz wygląd przestępców,
  • - powiedz jak zachowywali się po wejściu do sklepu,
  • - powiedz co zrobił sprzedawca.


  • A. I've just seen a group of people trying to rob the shop! They were tall,  wearing black sweaters and had masks on their faces.
  • B. How did they behave after entering the shop?
  • A. They came to the shop assistant and told him to give them all of his money.
  • B. Wow, what did he do!?
  • A. He refused, and pressed the alarm button, and they ran off. The police was there few minutes later, and they were arrested.
  • B. Nice story!


3. Masz wynająć mieszkanie razem z koleżanką, która chce mieszkać w centrum.

(zaczyna egzaminator)

  • - uzasadnij dlaczego uważasz to za zły pomysł,
  • - powiedz czemu lepsze jest mieszkanie na przedmieściach
  • - zaproponuj wybranie mieszkanie po obejrzeniu kilku


  • A. I think that we should decide to take that flat we seen in the city centre.
  • B. No, I think it is really a bad idea. There is always a lot of traffic in the centre, and the price of that flat was way too big for me. I think that we should decide to rent that flat in the suburbs.
  • A. I am not really so sure about living there.
  • B. How about we will search for a bit more, and decide after we will see some other offers?
  • A. Sounds good.



Dwóch mężczyzn, pełno butów -  jeden z nich jest szewcem, drugi klientem.


  1. Dlaczego ten pan przyniósł buty do szewca zamiast kupić nowe?
  2. Jak sądzisz, dlaczego w dzisiejszych czasach takie usługi zanikają?

On this picture we can see a shoemaker and his customer. I think, that this man brought this boots to shoemaker instead of buying new ones, because they were really expensive – for example made of genuine leather, or they were hand made. They also may bear a sentimental value to him. Such basic services are being closed, because they have less customers with each year. Most people usually prefer to buy new items, instead to repair the old ones.