Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr6

ZESTAW 6 - zestaw do matury ustnej z angielskiego - opracowany przez studenta anglistyki

A) Chcesz zapisać się na siłownie. Zapytaj:

  • Jak często odbywać będą się zajęcia,
  • Co będzie ci na nich potrzebne,
  • Kiedy odbędą się pierwsze zajęcia.
  • A. Good morning, I am interested in joining the gym.
  • B. Good morning, that's good to hear that you want to improve your physical condition. Do you have any questions?
  • A. Yes, I'd like to know how often I will be able to do the workouts at the gym for the ticket's price.
  • B. We allow our customers to come 3 times a week for 2 hours long periods. They can choose the days that fit them.
  • A. Ok, is there anything I will need for the exercises?
  • B. Comfortable sport clothes, and shoes. Also don't forget to bring some water, you don't want to dehydrate yourself.
  • A. Ok, when I can start my workout?
  • B. As I've already said – you can come whenever you want after purchasing a ticket.
  • A. Ok, thank you and see you soon!


B) Wróciłeś z podróży statkiem od przyjaciela. Dzwonisz do niego. Opowiedz:

  • Jakie miałeś warunki podróży,
  • Jak się czułeś w trakcie jej trwania,
  • Czy zawarłeś nowe znajomości.

Hello, I finally at my own place! I am tired, but happy. The trip was really a pleasant experience, our ship was really comfortable, and we had a lot of ways to have a good time there! For example, we had a Latino dancing at the ship's cabin. It was really fun, and I've met a lot of interesting people, for example I even managed to talk to the actor from my favourite TV series, as he seemed to be on the same ship as I did! It was really a wonderful experience!


C) Koleżanka chce skorzystać z twojego telefonu.

  • Nie zgódź się,
  • Wytłumacz dlaczego jej odmówiłeś,
  • Poradź jej aby poszła na pocztę.
  • A. Hello, could I borrow your phone for a few minutes? I need to call my friend.
  • B. Sorry, but I have to refuse. I don't have any money left on my account, so you won't even have a chance to call anyone.
  • A. Oh, that's no good. I am really worried about my friend.
  • B. You can go to the post office and use the phone there.
  • A. Thanks for giving me the idea, I will do so, bye! B. Good bye.

Obrazek: Młodzież z plecakami siedzi na schodach I je pizze, wśród nich jest starszy mężczyzna – prawdopodobnie opiekun / przewodnik grupy. Odpowiedz na pytania: 

  1. Czemu młodzież lubi fast-foody?
  2. Dlaczego jedzą w takim miejscu?

This picture shows us a group of young adults eating pizza. There is an older men with them. Judging by their backpacks, they seems to be on a holiday trip, and the older man might be their tour guide. Young people like fast-foods, because it is easy to get, and relatively cheap. At the moment, you can buy a fast food almost everywhere, in every city, for a low price. You don't have to worry about preparing the food, as you can just go and buy it. They are eating in that place, because they might be on tight schedule, and need to eat in hurry to go visit the next place in their tour.