Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr20-22


1) Rozmawiasz z kolega z Anglii

  • - powiedz o klimacie w Polsce
  • - gdzie turyści przyjeżdżają najchętniej
  • - twoje ulubione miejsce 
  • A. Our climate in Poland is similar to this in England. Our countries are in the same climate zone, so coming here you can expect almost the same weather.
  • B. What's the most common place in Poland for tourists?
  • A. I think our capital city – Warsaw, or Cracow, both of these cities are really beautiful and offer a chance to see breathtaking views.
  • B. And what is your favourite place?
  • A. Definitely Cracow, I love the atmosphere of that city.


2) Kupujecie prezent dla znajomego:

  • - powiedz co kupicie i dlaczego,
  • - nie zgódź się na kupno kwiatów,
  • - zaproponuj kompromis. 
  • A. I think that we should buy a book about photography for Matt's birthday, because he is really interested in taking photos.
  • B. I don't think it is a good idea, I am not sure if we will get that much cash. Maybe we should buy some flowers?
  • A. Flowers are too common. I think that we should think of something more original – maybe a small gadget related with photography? We could go and take a look at the shops later.
  • B. Sounds like a plan.


3) Zmieniasz mieszkanie, które wynajmowałaś:

  • - powiedz co ci nie pasowało w poprzednim
  • - jak znalazłaś nowe mieszkanie
  • - czy były jakieś problemy z przeprowadzką 
  • A. I've heard that you changed the flat again, what was wrong this time?
  • B. The rental costs were too high, I couldn't afford it any longer.
  • A. Oh, that's not good. How did you find that new place?
  • B. I've seen an advertisement in the newspaper, and I went there the next day. Everything went pretty well, I didn't encounter any problems with moving in.
  • A. That's great to hear, keep it up that way.
  • B. Thanks, I will try.



Chłopak, który pisze coś lewą ręką, drugą je. Na stole stoją frytki, hamburger i cola, leżą kartki.

  • -Dlaczego student je i pisze w tym samym czasie?
  • -Czy powinni pozwolić w szkołach na niezdrowe jedzenie?

On this picture we can see a boy, writing and eating at the same time. We can see some fast-foods on the table. In my opinion, he is in hurry, that's why he is doing both of these things simultaneously. I think, that unhealthy food should be forbidden in schools, because it is negatively affecting the lives of students.



UZYSKIWANIE INFORMACJI - zaczyna egzaminujący


  • -zapytaj jakich języków uczą się w Anglii
  • -czy na zakończenie szkoły mają egzaminy końcowe
  • -powiedz jakich języków uczy się w Polsce 
  • A. Hello, I've heard that you wanted to ask me something about schools in England.
  • B. Yes, I'd like to know what  foreign languages you are learning there.
  • A. We can choose from few, for example Spanish, German, French etc.
  • B. Do you have any finishing exams at the end of school?
  • A. Yes, one from each subject.
  • B. Oh, that doesn't sound good. Here in Poland we have one major exam called matura. And we usually learn English, but we can choose less common languages too.


RELACJONOWANIE - zaczyna zdający

2) Brałeś udział w kręceniu reklamy.

  • - powiedz o warunkach panujących na planie
  • - kogo poznałaś/eś?

I have played a small role in the new advertisement, it was really a fantastic experience. I was chosen on a casting, because they said I was the best fitting and the most convincing person that came there. It took us some time to prepare the advertisement, as we had to settle light, scenography etc. I've met a lot of interesting people – even few famous actors! It was a day I will never forget.

NEGOCJACJE - zaczyna egzaminujący

3)-zostałeś zaproszony do pubu odmów i podaj powód

  • -zaproponuj swoje rozwiązanie
  • - powiedz czemu jest lepsze 
  • A. Hey, do you want to go to pub with us this evening?
  • B. No, sorry, I don't have enough cash to go to the pub.
  • A. That's not good, do you have any more ideas?
  • B. I think that you and your friends could come to my house. My parents will be away, so we may have a party there!
  • A. Sounds really like a good idea, we will be there at 7PM!
  • B. I will be waiting for you, see you!
  • A. See you there!



Bazar - widać jedno stoisko ze słodyczami jest pod namiotem ludzie kupują

  • 1 Dlaczego ci ludzie tam robią zakupy?
  • 2 Co lubisz kupować i dlaczego?

This picture shows us a mart, and a women selling sweets. There are some people around, probably waiting for their turn to buy. I think, that these people are shopping in such places, because they can try most of the things, and they like its atmosphere. I prefer to buy things in supermarket, as it is usually quicker, and you can find almost everything there.



1, Chcesz wysłać pocztówkę do koleżanki w Polsce. Jesteś na poczcie:

  • - zapytaj ile kosztuje znaczek
  • - ile dni będzie szła
  • - czy można to jakoś przyśpieszyć 
  • A. Good morning, I'd like to send a postcard to Poland, how much will I need to pay for a stamp?
  • B. Good morning. To Poland, let me see... that would be 1,50 Euro.
  • A. Ok, when can I expect that the postcard will be delivered?
  • B. It should take about 1 week.
  • A. Can anything be done to speed this up a little?
  • B. You can pay extra 0,50 Euro for priority service.
  • A. Ok, then please lets do it this way.
  • B. Very well, then it is 2 Euro.
  • A. There you go, thank you, good bye.
  • B. Thank you too, good bye.


2. Jesteś na stancji, prosisz swojego gospodarza o wiecej swiatla, bo masz za ciemny pokój,

  • -Poproś go o więcej światła,
  • -Podaj argumenty, 
  • A. Hello, I think that it is a bit too dark in my room.
  • B. Why? I think it is good.
  • A. Well ,it is too dark, it may look ok now, but I find it difficult to read anything, and it makes my learning much harder.
  • B. What would you suggest?
  • A. I think that we could use lighter light bulbs, or we could buy an extra lamp.
  • B. Ok, I will keep that in mind.

OBRAZEK: Przewodnik i turyści na dachu autobusu (autobus taki jak mają w Anglii). W tle Big Ben.

  • -czy lepiej podróżować samemu czy z przewodnikiem,
  • - jakie są zalety tego, że oni nie jechali w autobusie tylko na jego dachu.

On this picture, we can see a tour-guide and some tourists, on the roof of bus. In the background of the picture we can notice the Big Ben. In my opinion, it is much better to travel with tour guide, because this way, we may see more interesting points, as well as learn their historical background. The main advantage of travelling on the top of the bus, is the fact that they could see much more, then if they were inside.