A: Jesteś pracownikiem informacji turystycznej
- Powiedz jakie znasz ciekawe miejsce w Polsce i dlaczego warto je odwiedzić
- Jak tam dotrzeć
- Ile czasu potrzeba na zwiedzanie
If you are interested in visiting a pretty part of our country, then you for sure would love to go to Zakopane. It is a charming city in the mountainside, full of traditional folklore and breathtaking sights. To get there, you should go take a motorway to Cracow. Make sure that you have a lot of free time though! There are a lot of pretty sights there, so make sure you have time to see everything.
B: Na koncercie jakiegoś zespołu zgasło światło
- Powiedz co się stało,
- Powiedz jak się czułeś,
- Jak się to wszystko zakończyło,
I was at my favourite band's concert two days ago, and suddenly, all the lights went off. Everything seemed to panic, including myself. I had no slightest clue what have just happened. After few minutes, I noticed huge fires on stage, and that's when the band started playing the song from the latest single. I must say, that was once of the best intros I've seen in the lifetime!
C: Wynajmujesz od kogos mieszkanie
- Podkreśl swoje zalety, dlaczego warto ci zaufać
- Przekonaj ze nie wszyscy nastolatkowie są źli.
- Popros o dostanie szansy.
- A. Good morning.
- B. Good morning, I would be interested in renting a flat.
- A. Sorry, but I am not interested in renting it to a teenager.
- B. But I am really a good and responsible person. Not all of the teenagers are bad.
- A. Well, I might give you a chance, and rent you the flat for a one month long test period.
1 Zapytaj gospodarza domu o jego ulubiona potrawę,
- zapytać dlaczego ją lubi,
- zapytać komu ja przyrządza.
- A. Greetings, I am curious, what is your favourite dish?
- B. Hello, my favourite dish is rigatoni bolognese.
- A. Why do you like it so much?
- B. I love to make it, because it is so easy and fast to prepare, you don't have to spend few hours making it.
- A. Ok, for whom you are usually making it?
- B. My friends and family.
2 Byłeś na spotkaniu klasowym. Opowiedz
- Gdzie się odbyło
- Zrelacjonuj przebieg imprezy
- A. Hey, where have you been?
- B. I just came back from my class ball.
- A. Oh, was it all right?
- B. It was really a wonderful experience.
- A. Where did it happen?
- B. It was held in the gym connected to my school.
- A. Can you tell me something more about it?
- B. I had a lot of fun. At first, I was chatting with my classmates, and then, when we started to feel the beat coming from the dance floor, all of us started to dance and have fun.
3 Wynajmujesz pokój.
- chcesz mieć w nim internet
- właściciel proponuje dodatkowa opłatę za korzystanie z internetu, nie
- zgódź się z jego propozycja
- właściciel pozwala ci na korzystanie z internetu za darmo ale na niekorzystnych warunkach (np. po 11 w nocy) odrzuć jego argumenty.
- A. I would like to have an access to the Internet in my room.
- B. No problem, but it costs and extra 2 Euro per night.
- A. Sorry, but I think that the access to the Internet should be free in such hotels.
- B. Well, you can use it for free, but only after 11 PM, otherwise we are having a limited bandwidth.
- A. I think that your argument is invalid. I wouldn't use it that much. I just want a fast access to my mailbox to keep in touch with my family.
- B. Ok, then you will have a free access to it, but remember not to use that much of our bandwidth.
- A. Thank you.
Policjant który zatrzymał samochód i wypisuje mandat, stoi przy nim, obok stoi jego motor, wszystko odbywa się w pobliżu skrzyżowania
- Jak sądzisz czemu kierowca został zatrzymany?
- Czy chciałbyś wykonywać ten rodzaj pracy?
On this picture we can see a policeman, who's writing a ticket next to the crossing. We can also see his motorcycle next to him. I think, that the car driver was stopped, because he was speeding, or he did another type of offence. I wouldn't like to work as a policeman, because in my opinion, this kind of job is way too stressful and dangerous.
1. Byłeś świadkiem huraganu. Opowiedz
- -gdzie się schroniłeś,
- -jakie szkody wywołał ten kataklizm,
- -czy ktoś ucierpiał,
- zaczyna egzaminujący
- A. I've heard that there was a hurricane in your city, what did you do?
- B. I ran to the basement with my family, and we stayed there until it was gone. Unfortunately, it caused a lot of harm, roof in our house is damaged, as well as the vegetables in our garden.
- A. How about the people? Did anyone die?
- B. Luckily, no, we were fast with hiding in our basements, and we managed to stay away from the danger.
2.Opowiedz o wypadku samochodowym, którego byłeś świadkiem
- -Opisz sytuacje,
- -Powiedz gdzie byłeś w trakcie wypadku,
- -Opisz co wydało ci się dziwne.
- zaczyna egzaminujący
- A. Have you seen the accident in the downtown today?
- B. Yes, I was going to the shop, when I've seen 2 cars crashing, it was really weird, as both of the cars was driving really fast, after a while a lot of people came there to see what have happened.
- A. What do you think about that?
- B. In my opinion it might have been some illegal city racing!
Obrazek: Młodzież na trawce trzymająca się za ręce.
- Czy uważasz, że oni są szczęśliwi?
- czy wyjazdy integracyjne w 1 roku są dobre i dlaczego.
This picture shows us a group of young adults sitting on grass, holding hands. They are happy, in my opinion this is because they are spending time together, and they can talk about interesting topics. I think that integrative trips are really important, because they help young people to better know their future classmates.