Przedstawiam kolejny zestaw do matury z języka angielskiego. Jeśli właśnie się uczysz do ustnej, te zestawy mogą Ci znacznie pomóc. Nie ma sensu się ich uczyć na pamięć, niemniej dobrze przeczytać każdy by wiedzieć mniej więcej co powiedzieć
Rozmowy sterowane:
1. Uzyskiwanie informacji. Rozmawiasz ze znajomym anglikiem, spytaj:
2. Relacjonowanie: organizowałeś mecz pomiędzy nauczycielami a uczniami, powiedz:
The match between teachers and students was really great experience, although we had some problems at start. We couldn't get a decent stadium for it, as our school stadium was being used at the time when we wanted to play. Fortunately, we went to our city's stadium, which was even bigger. What surprised me was the performance of the teachers, even though they were much older then us, they've played really well, and we had hard time playing, luckily we managed to win. After the match was over, we had a chat with them, and some of them said, that they used to play football a lot when they were at our age! It was really a wonderful time.
3. Negocjowanie: jesteś przewodnikiem wycieczki:
Na obrazku była uśmiechnięta królowa Elżbieta. Szła sobie ulicą, trzymała kwiatki, ubrana na różowo, za barierką mnóstwo wesołych dzieci, które robiły jej zdjęcia.
On this picture, we can see Queen Elisabeth. She is walking through the street. She is wearing pink clothes, and she's holding flowers. There are a lot of kids around, cheering and making photos. I think, that the kids are happy, because they've seen their authority. In my opinion, being a queen or king is a great thing, but it also is a great responsibility.