Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr10


1) Rozmawiasz z anglojęzycznym kolegą na temat twojej szkoły. Powiedz:

  • jakich przedmiotów uczycie się w szkole,
  • ile godzin tygodniowo macie języków obcych,
  • jakie dodatkowe zajęcia pozalekcyjne są prowadzone w twojej szkole.

We have all the typical subjects in my school – Polish, English, maths, physics, chemistry, etc. Nothing special. We have 4 hours of English each week, and also, 2 hours of a language of your choice – German, Russian, French or Spanish. If you want, you can participate in additional classes – you can choose from a few, we have a classes of photography, politics and a discussion club about films and music.


2) Byłeś na obozie w południowej Polsce w trakcie powodzi. Opowiedz znajomemu:

  • co robiłeś w czasie powodzi,
  • jak na powódź zareagowali inni uczestnicy obozu,
  • jakie szkody spowodowała powódź.

I was at the camp in southern Poland during that huge flood. I was sleeping in my tent when I noticed that it is soaking. I woke up, my hair was wet, then I noticed, that everything is in water, our tents, sleeping bags, supplies, etc. Everyone seemed to panic at first, but then we started to help each other to pack up our bags. After that, we've called for a bus, and went home. The flood have caused much damage to our equipment – for example my tent was completely destroyed, same with my food supplies, and my new trekking shoes.


3) Wybierasz się do Londynu z koleżanką i ona chce jechać autostopem.

  • nie zgódź się i powiedz dlaczego,
  • nie zgódź się z jej argumentem i zaproponuj inny środek transportu,


  • A. Hey, I've heard that you want to go to London this evening.
  • B. Yes, I think we should hitch-hike.
  • A. No, I think it is a bad idea. Hitch-hiking can be very dangerous, and I am not going to go with a total stranger.
  • B. Oh, come on! It is safe, I've done that many times!
  • A. Sorry, but I won't risk in that case. Let's go by the bus, or train.


Obrazek: Trzy dziewczyny grają w hokeja. Za nimi stoi mężczyzna – prawdopodobnie trener.

Pytania do obrazka:

  • -Czy uważasz że te dziewczyny grają mecz czy tylko trenują.
  • - Dlaczego zajęcia z wf są tak ważne dla młodzieży szkolnej.

On this picture we can see three young girls playing hockey. They are accompanied with a men, standing next to them. He is probably their trainer. I think, that the girls are training, or playing simply for fun. I think that because of their face expressions. PE classes are very important for children and young adults, because sometimes it is the only way for kids to improve their conditions, especially in times, where young people spend less time outside.