Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr1

Opracowane zestawy do matury ustnej z języka angielskiego. Na pewno się przydadzą na maturze ;)

A) Chcesz wynająć mieszkanie. Zadaj pytanie dotyczące kosztów wynajmu. Zapytaj, czy nie byłoby problemem okazyjne zapraszanie znajomych do mieszkania. 

Hello. I am writing in response to the article that I have found in local newspaper about the flat for rent. I would like to know, how big is the monthly fee? Knowing this would make my choice much easier. I would also like to know, if there won't be any problem, if I'd like to invite some of my friends from time to time. If you'd have anything against this, then I will stick to your rules.


B) Rozmowa z pracodawcą. Powiedz, że nadajesz się do tej pracy i posiadasz odpowiednie kompetencje. Wyjaśnij dlaczego potrzebujesz tej pracy i pieniędzy.

Good morning. I am interested in taking a job as a marketing consultant. In my opinion, I have all the experience and skills needed to work on this position. Currently, I am unemployed, and I am trying to find a job which will satisfy me, and I mean both physically, and mentally. Working as a marketing consultant would be something that I enjoy, as well as I could earn the money which I need to buy myself a new car.


C) Dialog: Koleżanka zaprasza cię na sztukę Szekspira, jednak nie masz ochoty na nią pójść, odmawiasz, a ona proponuje ci wyjście do kina – odmów również w tym przypadku i zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie, znajdując kompromis.

  • A: Hello, do you fancy going to see Shakespeare's drama in our theater?
  • B: No, sorry, I am not really in mood for that.
  • A: What about going to the cinema? I've heard that there are some decent movies today.
  • B: I am not really that much into movies, sorry, but maybe we could go to the pub and just chat, like friends do?
  • A: Sure, why not, Friday at 8?
  • B: Sounds good. See you later.


D) Opis obrazka: Trzy młode dziewczyny idące przez miasto, obok inni ludzie, sklep. Dziewczyny są w dobrych nastrojach. Odpowiedz na dwa pytania: Jak sądzisz, co wpływa na ich dobry nastrój? / Dlaczego relacje pomiędzy kobietami są tak ważne?

On this picture I can see 3 young girls, going through the city. They have passed next to the shop. We can see, that they are clearly happy, and are enjoying the walk. In my opinion, they may be happy just because they like to spend some time together, or they might be going to shop for a bit, and as we all know, shopping makes most of the girls happy. Relations between women are really important, because otherwise, they would have none to gossip with, as men aren't as much interested in that as other women. Also, there are some activities that women enjoy much more then  men, for example shopping, that I've mentioned before.