Wypowiedź pisemna

Opisz osobę, z którą najbardziej chciałbyś się zaprzyjaźnić.

People make friends with others because they don’t want to feel alone. They need to have someone to talk to about the things that trouble them and also to share their happiness with them . It is important to get on well with others, but for some people it is not so easy.

There’s a person I would like to meet some day. His name is Tom and I’ve seen him only few times in my life. Although I have never spoken to him and he probably doesn’t know about my existence, I would like him to become my friend.

Michael is in his thirties and he’s rather tall and slim. He’s got long blond hair and quite fair complexion. Sometimes he wears as if he was a cowboy, sometimes as though he was an Indian. He’s as likely as not keen on the American history and culture. Besides, he reminds me of singer Ryszard Riedel, one of my favourite artists. Lately, I’ve found out that Tom is a singer, too. His band plays hard rock music, which I enjoy to listen from time to time.

Every time I see him, he is always with a grin on his face. He appears to be an intriguing and mysterious person. However, I know that he can be trusted and that friendship is truly important to him.

I’m sure that if I was Tom’s friend, he would be the person to cheer me up when I’m down. That is why I hope that one day we will get to know each other and become real friends through thick and thin.


Will You please read it and check out if there are many mistakes?
I would be grateful if You could give me some tips how should I write descrption of a person.
One more question, how should I count the words? e.g. "don't" - should I count it as one word or two words?

matura 2010 język angielski... rozwiązania

i po egzaminie maturalnym z angielskiego --->>

Matura z angielskiego 2010. Zadania, rozwiązania, odpowiedzi, arkusze

zmieniałam imię z Michael na

zmieniałam imię z Michael na Tom, i przeoczyłam tego jednego Michaela.. ;)

Co do liczenia słów, to ciekawi mnie jak to jest na maturze.
A czy nie można użyć dużej litery w YOU jeśli chce być uprzejma?:P

as likely as not (albo: most/very likely) w słowniku Oxford Wordpower znaczy very probably - prawdopodobnie i jest to idiom.

U mnie słowa liczono w ten

U mnie słowa liczono w ten sposób, iż liczono z pierszej linijki a następnie mnożono przez liczbę linijek. To wszystko. Choć u mojej znajomej na uniwerku w Bournemouth nauczyciel wkleja do Worda i używa opcji policz słowa. Jeśli jest + - 10% to nie ma problemu.

Co do błędów, to ogólnie nie jest źle to napisane.

Najpierw piszesz o TOMie a później opisujesz Michaela....

Sometimes he wears as if he was a cowboy. (bardziej pasuje mi dresses a nie wears - bo wears co?)

He’s as likely as not keen on the American history and culture - co to ma znaczyć? Nie rozumiem co chcesz powiedzieć.

I’m sure that if I was Tom’s friend... If I were

through thick and thin - bardzo fajnie ze to wpasowales (na dobre i zle)

Will You please read it and check out if there are many mistakes? - you pisze się z małej literki, tylko I jest z duzej