Work of art

The most wondrous work of art

Even though it occured in 2005, I remember that day precisely. Full of delightful colours, smells and sounds painted by the most brilliant Artist in the world, a perfect day of the summer. A day in which nothing sad, boring or extremely annoying can happen. There has neve been a day like that and will never be.

10th of June – then I met someone who has changed my view of the world. It is true that her constant presence has led to my metamorphosis, but the fact remains that her contribution wasn' t enormous ( there is many things that make us different ). Nonetheless, she has an influence on my mind. She is a great example of blending extraordinary beauty with intelligence and sensibility. Her face is probably the wondrous work of art I have ever seen. Not only is it wondrous, but also admirable and awe-inspiring. She would be an ideal inspiration of artists, she is so beautiful. Deep, navy blue wells of her eyes contrasting with her long, blonde hair and clever, sharp features of her face evince her uniqueness. Moreover, her face is strikingly natural, because it is not destroyed by a macabre, multi – coloured make up and execrable sunlight. She' s the proud owner of gorgeous, big and navy blue eyes resembling an enormous ocean. Equally important is the comparison to the wells, yet the first one is likely to be more appropriate. Thus, the ocean is sometimes dark, minacious and rough, excessively rough to sail across. But then again, it becomes cool and calm and her eyes are azure like the sky in the summer. However, her face is the most beautiful when her eyes are closed. Nobody looks so marvellous with the eyes closed. It' s impossible to say, why – it just is. There is no explanation to it. So difficult to discern is this beauty and so passed unnoticed by many people. It has always been enigma, a mysterious enigma. The lovely, warm sunbeams of her hair sometimes harmonize with her azure eyes. There are dozens of people who identify blonde with stupidity ( and I used to think so ). Yet there are people like She, people who break this wrongful stereotype. She is an intelligent, modest and sincere person. Her cleverness is admirable. I must admit that I would like to be as clever as she is and sometimes I am a little jealous of it.

The other distinguishing feature of hers is her sense of humour, once in a while, malicious and loutish. Despite that, she is immensely sensitive and affectionate, especially towards animals. What is more, she is invariably ready to help the needy. In today' s world not many
people posess these qualities of character. Thanks to her, I learned that is the most crucial thing. Aside from her intelligence and sensibility, I admire her modesty. I can not stand all these conceited, over – confident people who think that they are the best and unique. She does not have to prove that she is the only one among the whole population.

She is the brightiest star in the sky. None of the stars shines so brightly as she. Nobody will be able to replace her.