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The risk always accompanied the bank activity. The major risk which brings the substantial losses is credit risk. From this point, careful checking of creditworthiness of debtors is the most sufficient legal tool of minimalizing risk connected inseparably with a bank activity.
The following work is dedicated to a topic of checking a creditworthiness of enterprises main by use a financial, quantity analysis. This is the instrument which presents the economic situation of debtor and gives all neccesary information for bank to make a decision related to grant a credit.
This work consist of three chapters. The first chapter elaborates on the definioton of the bank loan, various types of loans for the enterprises and essence of creditworthiness.
The second chapter depicts different sources of information about debtors and methods of checking a creditworthiness with particular attention to financial analysis.
The third empirical chapter focuses on one of the most recognised polish building company Polimex-Mostostal. This part contains general characteristic this legal entity and estimate its creditworthiness.
During the work the author has reached a conclusion that data acquired by means of quality analysis are as important to bank as data acquired by means of quantity analysis. Use both methods together give valuable, comprehensive information about the debtor’s financial standing. Information gained this way are very important to banks in a process of checking a creditworthiness of enterprises.
The author used the literature from the fields of banking, information from the official web sites of polish institutions and own study in the work.