Moja znajoma z mieszkania ma problem, dostała to przetłumaczenia na polski wycinek z tekstu w którym jest użyty język specjalistyczny, mój poziom języka angielskiego jest niezbyt dobry, ale chce jej pomoc, wiec proszę o pomoc :)
Oto i wyżej wspomniany kawałek tekstu
The convergence offindings about clinical and genetic heterogeneity
with findings about the neuropsychopharmacology of ethanol
suggests important links between research in several different fields.
Many gaps in knowledge remain, but we can finally begin to account
for the signs and symptoms of alcoholism and related personality
traits in terms of underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. The
ability to quantify personality traits that may correspond to the
underlying biogenetic structure of brain systems regulating behavioral
inhibition, activation, and maintenance may have wide application
in the study ofthe neurobiology ofmotivation and learning. In
particular, quantification ofindividual differences in personality may
provide a powerful means of characterizing the heterogeneity
observed in alcoholism and related disorders.