Napisz recenzję Twojego ulubionego anglojęzycznego czasopisma. Uzasadnij swój
wybór, podkreślając jego przydatność w nauce języka angielskiego.
For anyone who would like to find out about the latest advances in science and technology, I strongly recommend the popular science magazine called Scientific American.
It is a world-famous monthly magazine that has been in existence for more than 160 years. Its main aim is to bring insights about developments in science and technology, present the new discoveries and inventions and how they affect the world. The authors of the articles are unquestionable authorities in their fields and often Nobel laureates. They write in an attractive, interesting and comprehensible manner about their own achievements and details of their profession, showing the significance of science in the overall civilisational progress as well as its application in everyday life.
The main part of each issue comprises lengthy and well-illustrated articles. Apart from such articles a reader will also find columns about nature and science, philosophy and political sciences, reviews of scientific inventions, information from academic circles, answers to readers’ questions as well as the reviews of some most interesting popular science books.
The articles are written in beautiful American English and are an excellent source of extensive vocabulary, phrases and structures that one could learn easily with the help of dictionary. Besides, the context always helps to figure out the meaning of the unknown words. In the case of doubts, one can consult the Polish version of this magazine, Świat Nauki to see the translations of the original articles. This could also serve as a guidebook for future translators.