Read the definitions and then use them into th...


Read the definitions and then use them into the correct spaces for each sentence

  • Large-handed – generous, charitable
  • Not to lift a hand - not to help someone
  • On the other hand –from a different perspective
  • To be an old hand at something – to be well-qualified or have experience at something
  • To catch somebody red-handed – to catch somebody while doing something wrong.
  • To get out of hand – to be beyond control
  • To keep one’s hand in – to keep the practice of
  • To lend a hand – to help
  • To overplay a hand – to overestimate your possibilities, strengths
  • To know somebody like the back of one’s hand - to know somebody very well
SubquestionPossible match
6. The political situation in Africa is not peaceful anymore. It’s very dangerous to travel there. It’s just out of hand
7. From time to time she rides a horse. She doesn’t want to forget this skill. She wants to ……………… this the back of my hand
8. My brother asked me to help him with his homework. It wasn’t difficult for me so I agreed. This means that he wanted me………… keep her hand in
9. My teacher told me that I overestimated myself when it comes to this project. I assume that this is too difficult for me. That means that I ………… to lend him a hand
10. We’re friends. We’ve known each other for 7 years. I know my friend …………………..overplayed my hand