Second Conditional - Drugi tryb warunkowy

Second Conditional - Drugi tryb warunkowy

A personality test

Some time ago Carla found an interesting personality test in her favourite magazine. She decided to do it as she didn’t have anything else to do that morning. The test consisted of more than twenty questions, including:

  • What would you do if your friend let you down ?
  • What would you buy if you won one million pounds in the national lottery ?
  • How would you react if you found out that your husband/wife was cheating on you ?
  • Would you be happier if you were better-off ?
  • If you weren’t you, whom would you like to be?

After finishing the test Carla read her result:

You are a romantic and honest person. Love and happiness are indispensable in your life. Being reliable and altruistic, you set an example for those who want to be perfect lovers and terrific friends.

‘Well, not bad – thought Carla – I feel it will be a good day’.


Drugi okres warunkowy

Drugiego okresu warunkowego używamy, gdy mówimy o przyszłości lub teraźniejszości opisując sytuacje hipotetyczne lub nieprawdopodobne.

Budowa zdania If +Past Simple + bare infinitive

  • If I won a lottery, I would go to Brazil.
  • She would buy a new house if she could afford it.

Uwaga! W drugim okresie warunkowym po „I” zamiast „was” występuje „were”: If I were you, I would take that job. „Were” może stać też po „he, she, it” (ale nie jest to konieczne):

  • If she was a millionaire, she would live in a large house with a garden and a swimming pool.
  • If she were rich, she wouldn’t live in a block of flats.


Exercise 1

Put the verbs in a correct form, using Second Conditional:

  1. If he (be) ..................... rich, I (marry) ............................. him.
  2. They (go) ........................... on holiday to Spain if they (have).....................more money.
  3. She (be) ......................... much happier if she (have) ........................ children.
  4. If I (be) ............................ you, I (not, take) ............................... that job.
  5. If you (like) ............................... animals, you (take care)........................... of that poor dog.
  6. What (you, do) .................................... if your son (cause) ............................ a car accident?

Key: 1. was/were, would marry 2. would go, had 3. would be, had 4. were, wouldn’t take 5. liked, would take care 6. would you do, caused