Pierwszy okres warunkowy, verbs+prepositions,strona bierna past simple.... powtórzenie (cd)

To moje zadanie domowe:) Proszę o sprawdzenie (wyrazy dużą czcionką to
moja odpowiedź).

Zad.1 Uzupełnij zdania, uzywając czasowników w piereszym okresie warunkowym.

1). The school WILL BE(be)very busyif the classes BE (be) popular.

2). If too many people GO(go),some people WON'T GET (not get in).

3).Two scanners WON'T BE(not be)enough if a lot of people WANT (want) to use pictures.

4).If the schoo HAVES(have)enough money, it WILL BUY (buy) more equipment.


Zad.2 Uzupełnij tekst, używając wyrazów z tabelki.
Arnold and Cindy
Walker plan to climb UP Mount Everest and WALK (1) DOWN
to the bottom again in one week. They can't do it at the moment because
Arnold's got a broken leg.He was on a helicopter and he needed to get on a
horse- so he tried to (2) JUMP on the horse from the helicopter! Bad
luck, Arnold!
Cindy is training (3)
SWIM across the English Channel from England to France- that's more than 35
km of water! Then she's going to go (4) ON the Channel tunnel back to
Their biggest dream is to
walk (5) THROUGH the Moon- maybe, one day!




Napisz dialog, używając czasowników w stronie biernej w czasie past simple.

1. Who/the restaurant/decorate/ by?
Who was the restaurabt decorated by?

2. The decoration/do/by a modern/artist.
The decoration was did by a modern artist.

3. How/your chefs/choose?
How were your chefsed choode?

4. A cooking competition/organize.
A cooking competition was organized.

5. When/the competition/ hold?
When was the competitioned hold?

6. Yesterday.The contracts / sign /this morning!
Yesterday. The contracts was signed this morning


Zad.4 Uzupełnij tekst uzywając czasowników w stronie biernej czasu past
Silk is one of the finest
materials for making expensive clothes. It's got an interesting history. The
secret of silk production (1) WAS DISCOVERED (discover) in China and it
(2) WERE PROTECTED (protect) for thousand of year. The silk (3) WAS
MADE (make) by worms, and the worms (4) WERE GREW (grow)
especially to make silk. There's a story that a Chinese princess married a
foreign king. They say that some silk worms (5) WERE SMUGGLED (smuggle)
out of China wanted the secret! Silk (6) WAS PRODUCED (produce) in
China and it (7) WAS CARRIED (carry) across Asia on camels. TheSilk Road
was 6,400 km long.It went through a lot of different countries and a lot of
palaces (8) WERE BUILD (build) with the money from silk. Rome was at the
other end of the Silk Road and in Rome, Chinese silk (9) WERE EXCHANGED
(exchange) for Roman gold.

Lista czasowników

Lista czasowników nieregularnych


odpowiedź nauczyciela

1). The school WILL BE(be)very busy if the classes ARE (be) popular.

2). If too many people GO(go), some people WON'T GET (not get in).

3).Two scanners WON'T BE(not be)enough if a lot of people WANT (want) to use pictures.

4).If the school HAS(have)enough money, it WILL BUY (buy) more equipment.

Ponownie widzę spore problemy z teoretyczną wiedzą dotyczącą struktur i czasów. Proszę powtórzyć zagadnienia takie jak odmiana czasowników 'byc', 'mieć'.

W pozostałych zadaniach dotyczących ćwiczeń strony biernej proszę pamiętać o 3 formie, błędy m.in GREW, BUILD, choode??? proszę poprawić z pomocą tabelki czasowników nieregularnych. Proszę również pamiętać o różnicach pomiędzy 'was' i 'were' W liczbie pojedynczej wstawia Pani 'were' i na odwrót.

Proszę wyprostować te 'gramatyczne fikołki', powodzenia w szkole.

English for you

Dominik www.jezykangielski.org